Dressing in Nigerian varsities

Culture is a people’s way of life. People living within a geographical area are characterised by the same culture; having a peculiar way of life, the norms and values of the people are what make them unique. Cultural heritage ought to be transferred from generation to the generations. Does the present generation have any preserved culture to transfer to the next generation?

Nigeria as a nation has its own way of life, a unique culture; even though it is a nation characterized with many ethnic groups. The way people dress, the food they eat, the way they communicate, relationship and everything concerning their life affairs is unique and easily identifiable in all part of the globe. For one to see the culture of the Nigerians together as of then, varsities are the good atmosphere to encounter that.

Varsities, especially, federal universities, are small communities portraying the image of the whole nation. It is the representation of the wider society. People from all over the states converged in pursuit of relatively the same goal. All these are becoming a mirage. From the image being viewed from the universities, the good culture of Nigerian people is drastically fading away by the wind of modernism.

A visit to Nigerian universities and other higher institutions may make you marvel, posing questions like ‘where is the good dressing mode of the Nigerians? Where are the good norms and values from the forefathers? What happen to them? Can we call all that is happening modernization? And what benefit does it have to the society?

Cultural imperialism is what is taking over the varsities. The irony is that, the people subscribed to be imperialized. Sometimes, one may wonder to say, the country’s entertainment industry are doing more harm than good. They unconsciously enforced a contrary culture over the indigenous culture.
Gazing at some of the essential aspect of culture, dressing, this has been the subject of focus in the higher institutions. The concept of decency and nudity has changed meaning. Dressing decent as of then, it is what is now termed as village stile, while what is considered nude then is what now called decent. One may be tempted to say the generation of the younger Nigerians is a confused generation; where every good event, object or subject is changing meaning to it opposite.

What an irony! Intentionally, people will cut their trousers from the knee to the lap. Why do you want to be crazy? Some skimpy dress worn by ladies which is now getting momentum among guys is becoming a virus. Many universities have become a home for nudity, pornographers are all over the streets of our institutions. One may have it difficult to differentiate between class rooms and clubs. This is a decadence in moral behaviour which is affecting our indigenous norms and values.

The hunger for modernity has taken away the sensible sense of many youth; never considering their body as worth to be covered but rather of public show. This has increase the rate of rape in higher place of learning. The entertainment industry is changing the ideology of the younger generation. What is then the fate of the emerging generations?

Preservation of cultural heritage is a duty to all.

Musa Luka Musa
([email protected]), 300 Level, Mass Communication,
University of Maiduguri

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