Waking up with sore jaw? You may be grinding your teeth

If your teeth hurt or your jaw is sore when you wake up, you’re likely grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw at night. Because you can develop long-term problems, it’s important to fi nd out what’s going on. Th e behaviour, known as bruxism, is not uncommon in children but is recognised more often in adults.

Research has shown that bruxism originates in the central nervous system. Research also shows that taking antidepressants, especially SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), can lead to teeth grinding, as can anxiety and stress. Having a competitive personality, alcohol use, smoking and a family history may also play a role for some people.


Signs of nightly grinding/clenching Talk to your dentist if you experience any of these symptoms of teeth grinding or jaw clenching: Grinding or clenching loud enough to wake your sleep partner Flattened, fractured, chipped or loose teeth Worn tooth enamel, exposing deeper layers Increased tooth sensitivity Jaw or face pain and soreness Tired, tight jaw muscles Earache-like pain in your head or face Dull headaches beginning at the temples Indentations/scalloping on the sides of your tongue Clicking or popping of your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) In the short term, grinding and clenching can damage your TMJ, the hinge joints connecting your lower jaw to your skull. Too much pressure resulting from muscle contraction in grinding/clenching can lead to popping, clicking, jaw locking, earaches, headaches and facial pain. If the behavior continues, it can cause facial pain that is chronic (lasting more than six months), tooth fractures, daily headaches,migraines and chronic TMJ problems.

5 ways to reduce grinding frequency Cut back on caff eine (colas, coff ee and chocolate), especially before bed. Avoid alcohol and smoking. Don’t chew on pens, pencils or other things that aren’t food. Don’t chew gum daily, because it can make existing pain worse. Avoid sleeping on your stomach or placing your hand on your jaw (back-sleeping is best)


What to do for daytime grinding/clenching Daytime teeth grinding and jaw clenching are often unconscious behaviors, but you can train yourself not to do them, Dr. Kahn says. Th e key is to maintain a proper mouth position. Whenever you think of it, keep your lips together with your teeth slightly apart, and rest your tongue against the back of your front teeth. Doing this eliminates jaw joint stress and stops you from grinding your teeth during the day. -health.clevelandclinic.org

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