150m migrant workers face exploitation – ILO

The International Labour Organisation (ILO), has disclosed that about 150 million migrant workers globally face exploitation.
ILO Director General, Guy Ryder, who was speaking during this year’s World Day of Social Justice, said this year’s celebration focuses on the protection of the world’s 150 million migrant workers, many of whom face exploitation, discrimination and violence and lack even the most basic protections.
He said this is particularly true for women, who make up 44 per cent of migrant workers.
“Most migration today is linked, directly or indirectly, to the search for decent work opportunities. But many migrant workers end up trapped in jobs with low pay and unsafe and unhealthy working conditions, often in the informal economy, without respect for their labour and other human rights.
“They often have to pay high recruitment fees to get a job, on average over a year’s wages – there is high vulnerability to forced labour and child labour.”
According to him, “migrant workers, like all workers, are entitled to fair treatment, and fair treatment for migrant workers is also key to preserving the social fabric of our societies and to sustainable development.
“If labour migration is well-governed, fair and effective, it can deliver benefits and opportunities for migrant workers, their families and their host communities. It can balance labour supply and demand, help develop and transfer skills at all skill levels, contribute to social protection systems, foster business innovation, and enrich communities both culturally and socially.
“Good governance will foster strong cooperation across migration corridors and regions. It should be guided by international labour standards, in particular, the fundamental principles and rights at work and the relevant ILO and UN Conventions.”
The ILO is encouraging the adoption of fair labour migration governance frameworks at all levels – global, regional and national.
These include a comprehensive, integrated and “whole of government” approach that engages labour ministries together with business, and employers’ and workers’ organisations – those on the frontlines of labour markets.

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