4 drinks with amazing detox abilities

Cleanse your body from all the toxins and pack yourself with fresh nutrients that will, at the same time, help you gain energy, lose weight and become healthier. If you don’t have too much time or willpower to commit to a strict diet regime, maybe you can start with a few incredibly healthy drinks. If you are not sure which ones are good and have the detox abilities you need, do not worry, we have made a list of several drinks that will detoxify your body and make you feel healthy and fresh.

* Cabbage juice
This may not sound like the most delicious drink in the world, but this beverage is a great source of Vitamin C and amino acids. Raw cabbage juice can also help reduce cholesterol, according to one Japanese study. That study has shown that the people who drank two cans of different vegetable juices, including cabbage, every day, had a significant decline in bad cholesterol compared to people who haven’t had any cabbage juice. A glass of cabbage juice a day can also be a good way of preventing cancer, ulcers and colon problems.

* Ginger tea
Ginger tea soothes and calms both your body and your mind. It helps you detox through perspiration and, at the same time, it soothes any stomach irritation. If you drink one cup of this comforting tea every night, you will feel de-stressed from your long and busy day and also feel your body becoming healthier and cleaner. People also traditionally drank this natural pain reliever to treat various conditions, like stomach, back, arthritic and chest pain.
In medicine, ginger is used to treat stomach problems like indigestion, motion sickness and even morning sickness for moms to be. Ginger tea is one of the best detox teas and you can grate the fresh herb and brew it into a tea, and use it as a pain reliever for stomach cramps, diarrhea, menstrual pain and many other problems you may encounter.

* Papaya iuice
Papaya juice can really help with digestion and it provides a great health boost for your body, because it has all the essential vitamins that flush out toxins. So, try drinking one glass of this tropical delight several times a week. People who live in tropical countries like Brazil and South Asia, have been using papaya juice for quite some time because of its rich mineral and vitamin content.
You only need to make sure that, when you are purchasing papaya juice, you choose one made from whole fruit and not the one made from papaya nectar, because the latter has unnecessary sweeteners and lower vitamin content. It is also rich with carotenoids, which give the juice its strong orange color, and a rich source of lycopene and vitamin A, which has amazing powers in protecting kidneys, tissues, eyes and in prevention of prostate cancer.

* Lemon water
This is one of the easiest and most cost-effective detox drinks out there. Lemons are believed to be a super fruit because of the many health benefits that they offer, including cleansing the blood stream and detoxifying your body.
So, if you drink a glass of lemon water immediately after you wake up and right before you go to bed, your body will get the boost it needs to stay strong and healthy. Besides this, lemon water will also encourage collagen production, prevent wrinkles and reduce the smile lines that form around your mouth and eyes.
