7 days to historic October 1

In Nigeria today, the only thing that youths from rich and poor backgrounds strive to get in order to actualise their ambitions is education. It is considered as the engine room that controls the present as well as the future. But some political leaders are making education difficult and unaffordable to the poor citizens. 
Increase in tuition fees is one of the reasons many dump their educational pursuit despite the fact they are doing great in their different courses. That goes inline with the statements of Persey Bysshe Shelley that ‘The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer’.
To end the burden and make things right, school fees of tertiary institutions need to be reduced so that it could be accessible and affordable to everyone irrespective of social class. Secondly, opportunities to enrol for educational scholarships should be open to all not only those born with silver spoons. Lastly, government should do everything possible within to implement agreements reached with lecturers of institutions like colleges of education, monotechnics, polytechnics and universities.
Mukhtar Garba Kobi,Bauchi, Bauchi state.