Foods that fight wrinkles, premature aging

The old adage you’ve heard a million times, “you are what you eat,” is absolutely true when talking about your skin.
Beautiful skin is dependent on an abundant supply of essential nutrients.
When you improve your diet, you can vastly improve the look of your skin.
Let’s face it; no one wants to get age spots, wrinkles, dark spots, circles under their eyes, and that infamous turkey chin before their time.
Well, beautiful skin is as easy as eating delicious foods every day.
How much easier can it get? Below are foods you can easily add to your diet that will give you super beautiful skin that fights aging and wrinkles as easy as pie.
Free range eggs Eggs are a rich source of protein and contain 9 essential amino acids, along with vitamin D, all of which are perfect for your skin.
If you have heard that eggs raise your blood cholesterol levels, you can forget about that old myth, as it has no basis in fact.
Always eat free range, organic eggs, as these contain the most vitamins and protein that will help improve your skin tone.
Berries Although blueberries and raspberries take the number one and number two spots on the pretty face leader board, all berries are good for your skin.
These flavourful little jewels are loaded with vitamins, polyphenols, flavonoids, prebiotics and, best of all, tons of antioxidants.
Antioxidants are what fight free radicals, which are the little stinkers that cause damage to your skin and cause wrinkles.
Berries promote cell regeneration so that you get beautiful new skin cells regularly.
Tomatoes So much more than just a yummy ingredient in guacamole, tomatoes are full of vitamin C, which your body uses to build collagen.
Collagen is like the glue that holds your skin cells together, so it will look more plump and firm.
Tomatoes are also loaded with lycopene, a compound that protects your skin from UV damage from the sun.
They also improve your blood circulation.
Eating tomatoes regularly for six weeks will give you a noticeable glow to your skin due to the extra blood circulation.
Garlic Garlic contains a powerful antioxidant called allium, which is a natural free radical fighter that is perfect for both your immune system, as well as your skin.
Yogurt and kefir If your skin has a red tone and is easily irritated, eat more foods with probiotics such as yogurt.
The natural bacteria in yogurt acts like a skin conditioner that works from the inside out.
Kefir is another milk product that is similar to yogurt but has three times more probiotics than regular yogurt.
You will find this in many supermarkets as a drink because of its thin consistency.
Probiotics reduce inflammation and oxidative stress so if you suffer from acne, dermatitis, rosacea, or psoriasis, yogurt and kefir are for you! 6.
Green tea For younger looking skin, you need to regenerate new skin cells.
When skin cells mutate, they lead to all kinds of problems- everything from cancer to uneven pigmentation.
Green tea is loaded with antioxidant power, along with a substance known as EGCG.
Multiple studies show that these two ingredients keep skin cells growing properly and help to maintain that beautiful skin you are looking for.
Always brew your tea fresh as the bottled stuff contains little or no nutritional benefits.
Yellow and orange root veggies Want a naturally beautiful glow? Put more beta-carotene on your plate! These foods are loaded with super antioxidants that are good for both your skin and your eyes.
Yellow and orange root vegetables will do that for you naturally.
The best choices are sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, and carrots.
Read more about benefits of carrots.
Nuts Nuts are a great way to get some healthy fats.
The omega -3s in nuts are super good for your skin and some nuts, such as almonds, also contain vitamin E.
This will have an antiinflammatory affect that will help with skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
Although walnuts contain the most omega-3, all nuts including peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and pistachios are excellent for your skin and your health.
Don’t overdo it, however, as they are also high in calories.
Instead of a bag of chips or a cookie, grab a handful of mixed nuts every afternoon for super smooth skin that you can see in just a few weeks.
Fish If you have a problem with chronically dry skin, try adding foods that add healthy fats to your diet.
Fats will moisturize your skin from the inside out.
Try adding fish such as wild salmon, anchovies, and sardines to your diet two or three times per week for lush, supple skin.
Honey If your sweet tooth starts acting up, try some raw, organic honey than other types of sugar.
Raw honey is a natural anti-viral and is loaded with antioxidants.
Even though it is technically sugar, it’s natural so it doesn’t cause inflammation or red spots the way white sugar can.
Honey is so good for your skin, you can even use it as a face wash! 11.
Avocados Along with nuts and fish, avocados are loaded with that good for your skin fat.
They also contain glutathione, which is a compound that is known to fight anti-aging.
Avocados flush toxins from your body and glutathione will help stop wrinkles and acne.
It’s been shown to slow or even stop the development of certain types of cancer.
Leafy greens Dark green, leafy veggies are terrific sources of zeaxanthin and lutein.
Studies show that eating foods rich in these antioxidants can reduce the number of free radicals that cause damage to your skin.
Think greens like kale, turnip greens, romaine lettuce, and spinach.
Improving your skin is so easy, once you know what foods to eat.
Start today and you could have beautiful, clear skin in just a few short weeks.
It doesn’t get much easier than that.

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