Open letter to Prince Kpokpogiri

Dear Prince Kpokpogiri,

I am writing you this letter from a place of shock and unbelief at your recent shenanigan on social media regarding your ex-girlfriend, Tonto Dikeh.

To think you claimed to be one of us – a journalist, is utterly tasteless, disappointing and disgusting, to say the least. Blackmailing is not only against the ethics of Journalism, it’s also a crime.

Recording a conversation for mischief, blackmail, extortion and evil vices is not okay, not at all. It all seem like a planned work, who sent you, who connived with you to set Tonto up, is this how you want to gain social media followers, how were you trained, are you truly a man, will you ever be trusted by another woman again, is this how you plan to clout chase, do you believe in Karma? I have a thousand and one questions to ask you, Prince Kpokpogiri.

Prince Kpokpogiri, you went as far as releasing personal conversations between you and Tonto Dikeh while you were dating, I couldn’t stand the audio for more than 1 minute, in as much as I am not interested in your personal relationship with her, I think you went too far, you did her dirty and it is obvious you were acting to a script by your co-conspirators. You disgraced the word, manhood. You never truly loved her and shouldn’t have gone close to her son – a boy she guides and protects with all of her.

Not long ago, Tonto just came out of a bad divorce, I have seen her broken and watched her recover, been there during her low and high, she has worked really hard on herself to be a better person, she is really trying her best – imperfect like the rest of us. I am one of the silent and intentionally invisible people in Tonto’s circle, I don’t need clout in my life and do not need social media validation to exist (so you know). All you said about her is not the true definition of the strong, smart, imperfect and amazing woman that she is.

A good parent, too straight forward and too blunt for a lot of people! She has been betrayed by close associates, misunderstood, and yet, she is standing strong. Not everyone with balls should be addressed as a man!

Prince Kpokpogiri, this too shall pass, you do not win, you lose – do not rejoice, just yet! Tonto is a strong woman, she can only bend, she cannot break. Tonto will bounce back, as always. You and the people cheering you on in private will soon crawl back to your coven. Enjoy your 2 weeks of fame while it lasts, she always laugh last!

Tough time never last, tough people do.

Wait for your Karma, Prince Kpokpogiri!

Thank you
Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello