Oppression and scheming and the expedited punishment (II)

The Jews as well devised wicked schemes against the Prophet and attempted to assassinate him. They colluded with the polytheists against him several times, as it is well known. As a result, he killed some of them and evicted others. He was granted triumph over them, and his message was propagated to all people. As the Last Hour approaches, Allah, The Exalted, will cause the stones and trees, except Al-Gharqad (boxthorn), which is their shrub, to speak to his nation (to reveal the location of the Jews hiding behind them), saying, O Muslim! O slave of Allah! There is a Jew behind me; come and kill him! Allah, The Exalted, will also enable the Muslims to conquer Jerusalem.

Therefore, beware of evil schemes, and do not be dazzled by the schemers. Qays ibn Sad ibn Ubaadah, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, said: Had I not heard the Prophet say: Evil scheming and deception are in Hellfire, I would have been one of the craftiest of people. [Al-Albaani: Saheeh]

Meaning of Makr when attributed to Allah, The Almighty:
It is no secret that the Makr (Arabic for scheme or plan) that Allah, The Exalted, attributes to Himself is one that befits His majesty and grandeur. It indicates the way in which He inflicts punishment on those who scheme against His Allies and Messengers by countering their evil schemes with His good scheme. Therefore, while their schemes are most vile, those of Allah, The Exalted, are most good because they constitute justice and fair recompense. The same goes for Mukhaadaah (stratagem) when attributed to Allah, The Exalted; it indicates His counter stratagem as a punishment for those who devise stratagems against His Messengers and Allies. Verily, there is no scheme nor stratagem better than His.

Oppression too has an evil end:
Just as evil schemes incur adverse consequences on those who devise them, oppression as well entails the swiftest punishment. It was said: whoever draws the sword of oppression will be killed with it; an oppressor will inevitably have a taste of his own medicine; oppression defeats those who commit it; oppression always comes to a bad end; whoever digs a pit for his brother shall fall therein; shun oppression for it is indeed worthy of shunning. Abdullaah ibn Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with them, used to say: If it happened that a mountain oppressed another mountain, Allah, The Almighty, would level the oppressive one. He also said: A king uttered a word of oppression while sitting on his throne; Allah, The Exalted, transformed him into another creature, perhaps a fly or something else. He was consigned to oblivion.
Abdullaah ibn Muaawiyah Al-Haashimi  relates, When he was on his deathbed, Abdul-Muttalib asked his ten sons to assemble and advised them as follows, Beware of oppression! I swear by Allah, He did not create anything with a swifter punishment than oppression. I have never witnessed people who survived despite their oppression, except perhaps your relatives from Banu Abd Shams.

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