We Had a Plan

(To My Mother In-law, Lady M. C. Egeruoh, September 30, 1942 – January 27, 2014. Burial Friday, March 21, 2014)

Everything worked out well
According to plan. We had a plan

To go through school and become
Doctors, lawyers, engineers, and professors

We’d walk on marble pavements
As rich men in limousines and private jets
We’d build homes as tall as trees
In shiny glasses and manured grasses

Our mothers would bathe in beachside saunas
And live to a hundred years, beyond blemishes

Our wives, yori yori and asampete
Would glide with the grace of gazelles

We’d tear down our crumbling schools
And raise new ones with marble fences

Our children would not sit
On broken chairs, like their fathers

Everything worked out well
After fifty years, in faraway lands

We built large homes in shiny glasses
And hid from parents who died of dearth and disease

We ran from ransom nappers and holy terrorists
And planted bottles that would grow round like stones

We were the marooned, the stiff-necked people
Bumbling zombies at airports and transit stations.

© Obiwu, March 4, 2014