We’ll curb cyber crime, personal data breaches, NITDA reassures

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has said there is no going back on its decision to address issues of cyber security and crime; personal data breaches; and crime detection, prevention and investigation in some of its regulatory instruments.

NITDA had in a statement on the 25th January, 2019, said that it would address mounting issues of cybercrime, data breaches and other infractions in it’s regulatory instrument.

In a statement NITDA said its “attention has   been   drawn   to   a   publication   ascribed   to   the   President   of   the Association   of   Licensed   Telecommunication   Operators   of   Nigeria   (ALTON) published in the media regarding certain regulations and guidelines issued by the agency.

“For   avoidance   of   doubt,   NITDA   has   enjoyed   a   cordial   and   cooperative relationship with all sector regulators and we have consistently engaged them on all regulations and guidelines issued by the agency.   In this vein, NITDA has significantly socialized the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) 2019 and the Public Internet Access Regulation 2019 as referenced in the publication.

The Agency  is  delighted  with  the  support  of  several  institutions  in  complying  and promoting these regulations.

“For clarity, no single regulator in Nigeria has a converged mandate on ICT in the country.   Various   agencies   have   different   roles   to   play   in   developing   and regulating   ICT   in   Nigeria   as   dictated   by   their   mandates   and   enabling   laws.

“Furthermore,   no   single   entity   is   regulated   by   only   one   regulator   in   Nigeria, regulators in the  country work  in  a cooperative  and complementary  capacity, resolving mandate overlaps in a cooperative manner.  

“ALTON, as with various industry   groups,   are   expected   to   comply   with   various   professional,   sector, geographical and international regulators when their operations so demand.

“This understanding has been shared between NITDA and other regulators in Nigeria. 

It may  be  recalled that  NITDA issued five  regulatory instruments on the  25th January, 2019, two of which were referenced in the publication.

We wish to draw the attention of the public to the following: (a) The Framework and Guidelines for Public Internet Access (PIA) 2019 was issued   to   ensure   the   safe   use   of   free   or   subsidized   publicly   accessible internet   service   in   Nigeria.  

NITDA   has   been   inundated   by   concerned stakeholders   to   check   the   regime   of   publicly   accessible   internet   service considering its national security dimensions.

The   Framework   and   Guidelines   aims   to   create   and   promote   a   mutually beneficial and friendly environment for both public internet access providers and  users in Nigeria.

The Regulation  is  directed  at  Public  Internet  Access Providers (PIAPs). PIAPs include any business or other entity that provide internet access without charge or offers a partially subsidized internet access to   members   of   the   public.  

The   concerns   which   NITDA   aims   to   address through this regulatory instrument are: cyber security and cyber crime; personal data breaches; and crime detection, prevention and investigation,” the statement reads.

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